Friday, May 29, 2009

Making Money in a Down Economy

Guest Post by Shawn Horwood

Unless you are a hermit or you are completely oblivious, you probably know that right now the economy in North America is absolutely TERRIBLE. People are losing jobs like crazy, the biggest automobile manufacturers are going into the tank, JC Penny and Starbucks are closing stores all over North America, the governments of Canada and the United States are going insane trying to figure out how to get our countries through these times of economic crisis, and people are wondering how on earth they are going to support their families and pay the bills. I have heard many people commenting on the fact that right now is the worst time to try to start a business and that if you try right now you will definitely fail.

I would like to tell you that if you have heard people say that, then please do not listen to them in regards to making money because they are dead wrong. Right now is one of the BEST times to try to start an online business.

Now please, hear me out, continue reading. Yes, I am serious and no, I am not insane. If you think I am, then go ahead and stop reading this and find your own way to make it through these tough economic times.
But if you want to know how you can survive these hard economic times and maybe even start making more money than you have ever made before, then please, hear me out.

First of all, the economy is in the tank. I will admit that. But that doesn't mean people are going to stop spending money. People are going to be trying to find any way possible to save money and to try to make extra money. If you take advantage of this, you will be able to profit hugely, even though most of the continent is going to be spending all their time trying to figure out how they are going to make enough money to pay the minimum payments on their bills.

So how do you take advantage of this? Well, you can create your own product, or you can promote products as an affiliate. What kind of products? "How to" products. When the economy is down, everyone will be looking for ways to make money and save money. If you promote or create products on "How to Make Money Online", think of how many people would love to buy your products! Everyone will be looking for ways to make money and they will be willing to pay for it. Even the hope of making enough money to get them through these difficult times will be enough for them to purchase your products or the products you have chosen to promote. You can also promote products on things like home repair, car repairs, do it yourself guides, and things like that. People will be trying to learn how to do things on their own, because they can not afford to pay professionals to do it. Your market is potentially millions of people.

Most of the country will be searching for these products and they will be willing to pay for them!

Another great example of a product you can create or promote is one that deals with saving money on taxes, or obtaining government loans, or getting more money from their insurance claims, or getting more credit, or other products related to these things. Many people will be searching for these products. one of the biggest things to know about people is that people purchase what they want, not what they need.

They need their money to pay their bills, but they want to learn to save money and to earn money, so they will gladly pay you for access to information that will save them money.

If you take advantage of this, you will be able to profit in a down economy. If you know a lot about repairing cars, put the information you know into an ebook and sell it! If you know how to save money on taxes, put it in an ebook! Millions of people are ready and willing to purchase these products, all you need to do is offer them access and they will come to you with credit cards in hand! If you do not have any specialized knowledge relating to any of the above, then go to Clickbank marketplace and find a product someone else has created and promote it for commissions. If you don't know how to tell which Clickbank products, I have written a separate article about choosing a profitable Clickbank product. You can see it here: Clickbank will pay you every two weeks.

Can you imagine being financially secure while 98% of the population is scrambling around trying to find ways to make the minimum payments on their bills?

You can make money in a down economy. You can support your family and be financially secure while most people are struggling to pay their bills. Now, if you are successful in this time of economic crisis, please give back and put money back into the economy. Make the commitment to put 10% of your earnings back into the economy. It will help the other people who are struggling, and you will be rewarded.

Learn more about making money online at my Make Money Online Blog.

Video Tutorial: Turn Google Traffic into Affiliate Commission

Here is a cool video series I though you might want to watch, it contains solid content and practical tips about making money with affiliate marketing in the niches that aren't related to Internet marketing:

A lot of people will choose to market 'make money online e-books, online business courses and Internet marketing software tools when it comes to starting an affiliate marketing business. But one downside of promoting these digital products is that it takes a lot of works and patience. Visitors wouldn't buy on your first time product recommendation, you have to capture their emails so that you can keep following with them to make affiliate sales and commission.

But for niches other than Internet marketing and e-business, it is different. These are the niches that you can enter and market physical affiliate products to the visitors. You don't have to capture their email and follow up with them as the targeted visitors often like the physical product when they see it and will pay to get it.

So, if you can send Google traffic to the right niches, you probably will reap a lot of affiliate commission.

These video series is going to show you how to get traffic to the right niche and profit in the niche by marketing the right affiliate products.


Những cuốn sách sẽ làm thay đổi cuộc sống của bạn

Những cuốn sách này sẽ làm thay đổi cuộc sống của bạn. Hãy đọc nó nếu có thể. Dành cho các bạn đang trên con đường khám phá về chính bản thân mình, tìm lại con người mình, hay đang đi tìm ý nghĩa của cuộc sống.

Bộ sách đặc biệt này dành cho các bạn:
- Đang đi tìm ý nghĩa đích thực của cuộc sống
- Đang cần giải quyết những khó khăn của cuộc sống
- Đi tìm sự bình yên cho tâm hồn
- Suy ngẫm về bản thân, về cuộc đời
- Có những mối quan hệ tốt đẹp với những người xung quanh
- Phát triển cá tính, thói quen, xây dựng niềm tin cho bản thân
- Nuôi dưỡng tâm hồn qua những mẩu chuyển có ý nghĩa

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